Inclusive Museum

What is a museum supposed to do and show? The Museum of Modern Art New York will now rearrange its permanent collection display to reflect a broader gender and cultural perspective. “The new design calls for [ …] the re-examination of art collections and diversity, represent(s) an effort to open up MoMA and break down the boundaries defined by its founder, Alfred Barr.” — Robin Pogrebin (New York Times, June 1, 2017).
What are the questions and consequences surrounding this decision? The seminar will examine societal and political aspects of “political correctness” as it makes itself felt in art collecting and presentation. How are gender and ethnicity being dealt with in the art world of tomorrow? What do these developments reflect, and what can they affect?

The Manifesto of the Inclusive Museum is a group effort by the students of the seminar The Inclusive Museum: Gender and Diaspora in Theory and Practice (by Dr. Renée Gadsden) held at the Department of Art Theory of the University of Applied Arts Vienna in 2017/2018.

2018 01 26 Manifesto A5 Web

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